The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator by Blush: A Mobility-Friendly Vibrator, Silent and Powerful for Everyone

The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator by Blush: A Mobility-Friendly Vibrator, Silent and Powerful for Everyone

The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator: A Mobility-Friendly Vibrator, Silent and Powerful for Everyone

Copyright Liz BlackX

Review of Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator with Finger Hold

The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator by Blush looks unlike any toy I’ve ever tested, especially in the last few years when the trend has been to make toys smaller. In all honesty, this vibrator looks like it was designed ten years ago when both motors and batteries were still quite large. But no, this Wellness vibrator is new and has been designed with the latest technology on board in that it is IPX 7 waterproof and can be charged magnetically. Its unique selling point is that this particular shape makes the vibrator easy to hold and control for anyone, no matter their level of mobility capabilities. I love that a lot, so let’s see how well the Wellness performs!

Packaging and Description

The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator: A Mobility-Friendly Vibrator, Silent and Powerful for Everyone

Copyright Liz BlackX

The Wellness Palm Sense vibrator comes delivered in a carton box with a product picture on the front. According to the box, this vibrator has 10 vibrating functions, powerful deep vibrations, is made of Ultrasilk silicone, is IPX 7 waterproof and uses magnetic charging. The toy is 11 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide and 5 centimeters high. What’s peculiar about this product is the little fin on top which you can slide between your fingers for a better hold of the vibrator.

The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator: A Mobility-Friendly Vibrator, Silent and Powerful for Everyone

Copyright Liz BlackX

I love how they made the entire package on-brand with the Welness idea. The booklet which holds a QR code to the manual looks very luxurious. And I love how they package the USB charging cable in a small box you would expect to hold a small soap at a wellness spa.

The Wellness vibrator has two buttons for its controls: a plus button and a minus button. They are easy to find and easy to use. You use them to cycle through the 10 different menus.

One feature I like a lot is how truly whisper quiet this toy is. It’s so silent I would really use it if me using the product would need to stay hidden. They’ve done that well. The vibrations are still good, though maybe not as ‘powerful and deep’ like the packaging suggested.

The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator: A Mobility-Friendly Vibrator, Silent and Powerful for Everyone

Copyright Liz BlackX

One other special feature that I like is the special connector with the USB charging cable. Instead of two magnetic points, this connector has one small round connection point which easily connects. This makes charging very easy. Seeing as this vibrator is intended for people with mobility issues, I appreciate this solution.

My Experience

The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator: A Mobility-Friendly Vibrator, Silent and Powerful for Everyone

Copyright Liz BlackX

I used the Wellness Palm Sense vibrator during an arousing sex chat with a friend of mine online. Halfway through our conversation, I put the vibrator on a low setting and placed it between my legs. Since I need both hands to type, I let the toy rest between my thighs which worked well too.

I must add that I had trouble finding the buttons to cycle through the menus. And once I had one, I couldn’t find the other one very easily. Yes, this could have been fixed by taking the vibrator in my hands and studying it in the light, but I was aroused and in the middle of a sex chat, so yeah…Anyway, I found a setting a enjoyed a lot and once my chat partner gave me the go-ahead, I reached a deliciously intense orgasm.


The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator: A Mobility-Friendly Vibrator, Silent and Powerful for Everyone

Copyright Liz BlackX

I like what Blush intended to do with the Wellness Palm Sense vibrator, which is to make sex toys for people with lesser mobility capabilities, and I think they succeeded. I love how the vibrator feels in your hand, how it’s shaped just the right way and even the added fin feels like it belongs there and has a purpose. The controls are easy to use, even if I struggled a little bit once I got aroused, but that was only a minor issue.

The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator: A Mobility-Friendly Vibrator, Silent and Powerful for Everyone

Copyright Liz BlackX

I don’t like how they state on the box that there is no need for extra batteries, since there is clearly a rechargeable battery inside. That’s simply unnecessary marketing lingo. Overall, I think the Wellness vibrator is a good product for its intended audience without too many bells and whistles. It just works and gets the job done.


The Wellness Palm Sense Vibrator: A Mobility-Friendly Vibrator, Silent and Powerful for Everyone

Copyright Liz BlackX


  • Good ergonomic shape
  • Rechargeable
  • Whisper Quiet
  • IPX 7 waterproof


  • Controls can be hard to find 😉
  • Quite bulky

Overall: 7 out of 10

End verdict: Like

Where To Buy

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This product was given to me by in exchange for an honest review. That I received this product in exchange for a small fee has not influenced my opinion in any way. The links above are affiliate links, which means I earn a little commission if you order it through this link. This will help keep this website up and allow me to write more reviews for you!

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