Category: <span>Reviews</span>

The Curious Touch Of Cupid’s Son: An Erotic Comedy Between Two Consenting Demigods by Dave Diotalevi – Review

The Curious Touch Of Cupid’s Son: An Erotic Comedy Between Two Consenting Demigods by Dave Diotalevi My rating: 4 of 5 stars The Curious Touch Of Cupid’s Son: An Erotic Comedy Between Two Consenting Demigodsby Dave Diotalevi You ever hear of that King Midas whose every touch turned everything into …

Thorns – Bella Scott

Thorns by Bella Scott My rating: 4 of 5 stars Thorns – Bella Scott It’s the middle of the night when Rose knocks on Luke’s door. He isn’t sure whether she is an apparition or whether his wishes have finally come true. Years before they were engaged when one night …

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